Scout Software
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Troop Kit provides an easier way to handle the day-to-day tasks of running a Scouting group.

  • Moves responsibility from adults to scouts, where it should be
  • Keeps scouts, parents, and leaders informed
  • Improves communication and minimizes paperwork
  • Eases the patrol leader's job, but maintains their leadership
  • Makes it extremely easy for parents to register scouts for events
  • Allows you to control which features are used or ignored in your unit

Software packages such as TroopMaster are great for managing the advancement of scouts in your troop, but they are adult-centric.
Troop Kit is the web-based scout software that promotes the leadership goals of Scouting while simplifying the tasks for scouts and adult volunteers.
Troop Kit can be used as a supplement to your advancement software or by itself if you do manual advancement.

Check out the TroopKit User Manual.

Tools in your Troop Kit package include:

  • Events
    • Participation in events increases because parents know when events are planned. They receive automatic reminders to register. No more lost paper permission forms.
    • Planning - all information about an event is entered in one spot and displayed for everyone to see. A scout or patrol in charge of an event plans it and the scoutmaster or administrator approves the plan before scouts can sign up.
    • Online Permission - A scout parent signs a scout up for an event or declines the event. An email confirmation is sent to the parent and scout.
    • Roster - event organizer prints a registration roster. Patrol leaders see who needs to be prompted to register - minimizing email and phone call follow-ups.
    • Drivers - always know how many drivers and seats are available.
    • Return Time - families track changes to the expected return time online from their computer or remote device. Leaders of the event update the return time in real time with a remote device.
    • Support Information - events include supporting documents such as weather, map, packing list, and waivers.
    • Outing Agenda - scouts create a schedule of activities for their campouts. Everyone knows what's in store.
    • Duty Roster - based on who is registered from a patrol, a duty roster is created by the Patrol Leader.
    • Menu - each patrol creates an online menu for each campout.
    • Controlled Invites - the whole troop, a patrol, or a specially created group can be invited to an event. The rest of the people aren't bothered with that event.
    • Attendance - responsible scouts or unit leaders can check off who actually attended an event.
  • Meetings
    • Meetings run more smoothly because all scouts know the agenda and what is expected of them and their patrol.
    • Meeting Plans - the scout in charge fills in sections of a new meeting plan and it is posted for all to see. Other scouts can modify the plan as needed. A list of who has changed the plan tracks updates.
    • Blank Plans - a planning template is printed by scouts for the patrol leader council. These help focus the planning and scouts are prepared to get their job done.
    • Different Meetings - specific plans for troop/pack/crew meetings, patrol/den meetings, and PLC meetings are available.
    • Attendance - track who attended a meeting.
  • Advancement
    • Scoutmaster Conference Request
      • Scouts meet with their scoutmaster on a regular basis at a convenient time for both.
      • Scoutmaster Times - the scoutmaster defines which times of each day of the week s/he is available. Exceptions are set for holidays and vacations as needed.
      • Conference Scheduling - scouts view available times and request a conference. Email is sent to the scoutmaster and scout parent.
      • Reminders - before the conference, a reminder is sent to scout family and scoutmaster.
    • Board of Review Request
      • Scouts choose a reason for their board of review and an email is sent to the Advancement Chair, requesting a board.
    • Merit Badge Blue Card Request
      • Scouts choose merit badge, counselor, and buddy.
      • An email is sent to the scoutmaster or merit badge administrator.
    • Personal Awards
      • Scouts track dates of their awards and recognition.
      • Unit-specific awards too.
  • Library
      All merit badge pamphlets and other books in your group's library are listed with checkout status. Scouts can request a book and the Librarian tracks which books are checked out to which scouts.
  • Quartermaster
      All equipment used by your unit can be managed by scouts or adults. Gear can be checked out to a patrol or an individual.
  • Communications
    • Members of your troop can send email to the whole troop or any patrols, groups, or individuals.
    • Messages can be sent just to people signed up for an event, or not signed up, or undecided.
  • Scout Challenge
      Scouts are challenged to complete a number of tasks from a list made by the scoutmaster/cubmaster/advisor or administrator to meet the challenge.
      Recognition patches and pins can be awarded to finishers.
  • Calendar Integration
      All events, meetings, and conferences can be imported into your online scheduler that uses iCal or vCal or your Google Calendar for those that manage their family calendars online.

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